Last week was so full-on work wise that I didn't have a lot of time for creativity. Even the prospect of the big staff morning tea on Friday morning didn't raise my interest and I felt a bit underwhelmed by the thought of baking of Thursday night. So, I found myself doing something I rarely do - I reached for a packet of store bought muffin mix. You know the kind - one of those big packs with several varieties of muffin in it. In my defence, I'd bought it months ago, on special, for just such an emergency situation. Imagine my surprise when I found only one lonely, small packet of plain dry mix left inside the box! No chocolate chips, chocolate batter mix or icing in sight. I turned to Tim, speechless. He had the decency to blush.
I work in one of those offices that has an 'all-staff' do once every month or so, I think. I can't keep up to be honest, and usually just show up to hear the boss say a few words before leaving the obligatory supermarket lamingtons, french onion dip and cheezles for the I.T. boys and anyone else desperate enough to go there. That sounds a bit snobby I suppose, but really it's just self-preservation. Mostly there isn't anything gluten free and I'm not going to be sick for two days for the sake of networking with people I already know.
On this occasion it was my branch's turn to provide the nosh. Thankfully we have some excellent cooks among us including an ex-caterer. No pressure at all. I kept it simple - mini cupcakes and date loaf. The abundance of home-made fare was, for the first time in my history of the office, noted during aforesaid boss's speech. We all felt pretty proud of ourselves. There were several home-made cheese cakes, key lime pie, hot and cold dips, cupcakes, loafs, fresh spring rolls, brownies and more. Altogether a fantastic spread and barely a shop-bought item in sight.
Where does that leave things now, recipe wise? Well yesterday I came up with a recipe for gluten-free, roast vegetable lasagna that I'm quite proud of. But that's a recipe for later this week. Right now I have to get back to erasing any evidence of one of the all-time worst home paint jobs in the history of mankind. I think the previous owner laboured under the mistaken belief that one coat of the cheapest paint they could lay their hands on, in a shade that can only be described as homicidal-pink, applied haphazardly from ceiling to floor (including skirting board!!!) would make a classy feature wall and significantly raise the value of the house. Sigh...
oh you captured the dire state of office morning teas so perfectly. Some days, it's all I can do even stand there and try and look interested. It's the Woollies fingerbun type cakes that really do me in. I just shake my head and walk away, wondering why people even bother with that crap.
Oh and the bit about Tim blushing? That is soooo what would happen here. I'm forever finding that my choc chips etc have been nibbled at by someone else.
It's incredible! He's the equivalent of a human blood-hound when it comes to sniffing out any form of chocolate. And I mean ANY form!!!
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