The picutre above is of the old (clean) kitchen, ready to be demolished, with the new one sitting in the background. Note the sexy 1970's overhanging shelves. Some thoughtful design there. (!)
Bizarrely enough, I found myself cleaning the bench tops shortly before the demolition guy arrived. I know! Ridiculous but I blame my mother's influence on me for that one. I mean, one wouldn't want the demolition guy thinking one was a grot! (I won't describe the demolition guy, but suffice it to say that I don't think he would have noticed an un-wiped bench).
The rip-out happened yesterday morning. I can't help but think that it must be many a young bloke's dream job. Crow bars, large hammers and other heavy instruments were involved, and there was a lot of loud noise and chucking of stuff about carelessly because it's not like it matters if it gets broken.
At this juncture, I think it's only fair to share pictures of some of the contact shelf lining that will most definitely not be missed. c 1973?

Next, the plumber arrived to do plumbing related stuff. All good, although when he got the blow torch out and fired it up, without so much as a set of protective glasses or gloves in sight, I just had to walk away, close the door behind me and hope for the best.
The sparky was great. He pointed out that it was going to cost $64 to move a perfectly placed and functioning power point from one spot to another. He kindly offered me the choice of not agreeing to this and saving said $64. What a good bloke!
Finally, at around 5.30pm, the plasterer arrived. Not that impressed with the rip-out guy's work, he decided enough was enough and he'd be back on Sunday morning to take care of things. OK...
So I anticipate my weekend will be spent pottering about the place, trying not to get in anyone's way and occasionally making a cuppa for the men who are charged with making me more happy than I've ever been in that kitchen! It's worth it.
Here's what we're currently left with:
oooooh! i can't wait to see! so exciting!!! good luck with it all :)
Thanks Pol. As of yesterday we're connected! Now we just need to decide on a splashback, light fittings and paint the place. Then of course I think I'd like a new floor, some blinds, etc, etc, etc...
oh i reckon I'd clean before demolition too. No one should have to deal with my toast crumbs and pasta sauce stains, even if they are creating one hell of a mess.
God that contact and the over head shelving....ugh....kitchens I grew up in were like that. No exactly inspiring!
I know - it was dated, hard to work with and fairly ugly, although I know it could have been worse. I'm SOOOOOOO glad it's gone. A few issues with some of the panels not arriving, but once they've actually finished it and we've tidied up, I'll take some pix of the new one. I feel the need to share my joy!
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