Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Morsels

Is Mother's Day another Hallmark special? I don't know and I couldn't be bothered Googling it's origins. Whatever it is, I reckon it's about best of a bunch of thinly veiled commercially motivated occasions. We all have mothers, after all. Mine happens to be the best. She really is. No competition. Actually I often wonder how she stayed sane with five kids and my particular brand of father. She's the best mother-in-law too, according to Tim, whose catch cry whenever there's any sort of family debate is "you're either with Christiana, or you're against her." It's just that simple. Anyhow, I won't rave about my mum any longer. She's great.

Needless to say, it's a special day for a lot of us and a chance to express love and appreciation in whatever form works for you. I choose Oil of Ulan (yes, I know it's Olay now, but when I was a kiddie it was Ulan and will forever be known as Ulan to my mum) and baked goods. It's what I do best.

Mum's not a great sweet-tooth but she loves friands. I got up early this morning and made her favourite kind -  double-chocolate and cherry friands. (Photos and recipe in the next post). Yesterday I also made these little morsels. They're just tiny vanilla cakes, baked in a mini-muffin tin and iced liberally with drippy pink icing and a raspberry lolly. So simple, so pretty, so mum.

Happy Mother's Day!


Bells said...

gosh you take the loveliest photos. Everything looks so delightful. :-)

Julia said...

Thanks! It's fun doing the pretty stuff.