I was inspired the other week by some stuff I saw in a cafe display case. Not inspired in a good way mind you - just inspired to do better. Sorry if that sounds trite, but the half dozen ordinary looking, still partly frozen savoury tarts in the display case did nobody any justice. I could see the condensation collecting on the limp strip of pepper draped over the top as they slowly thawed. Yuck! They looked soggy and unappetising.
In the week that followed the defrosting tart incident remained very much on my mind. Am I obsessive? Maybe. Am I determined? Definitely. What did I do about it? I decided to get creative and make my own.
Now I don't come from a quiche or tart sort of family. Dad didn't eat that sort of thing, so mum didn't cook it. It was as simple as that. And, since I do come from a 'everything is made from scratch' type of family, we never bought the ready made variety when he wasn't around. My point is that my experience is somewhat limited to the occasional lunch at a friend's house or cafe adventure.
But back to my plan of action. I rummaged about in the fridge, and found some seasonal ingredients that I really love: leek and potato. What a marriage made in culinary heaven these two are. Throw in some free range eggs, some nice cheese, parsley, etc, and there you have it - a potato and leek version of the humble savoury tart. It was pretty quick and simple too and kept well in the fridge and lunchbox.
End result? I was pleased. Very pleased. So was Tim. (Especially since I took the easy route, used bought pastry and couldn't eat any of them myself!)
50g unsalted butter
1 cup sliced leek (white part only)
200g thinly sliced potato
1 sheet short crust pastry
2 eggs
1 tbsp light sour cream
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp finely chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup freshly grated grana padano
Place half the butter in a fry pan and soften the potatoes for about five minutes at a low temperature. Add the rest of the butter and the leek and cook for ten minutes. Salt & pepper to taste.
Lightly beat the eggs, and then add the cream, milk, parsley and cheese.
Oil four 10cm (diametre) tart tins, quarter the sheet of pastry and gently ease each one into a tin. Cut the excess pastry away. Prick the bottom of each with a fork.
Spoon a quarter of the potato and leek into each tin, spreading it out evenly. Then spoon in the egg mix over the top. Tap the tins to settle the mixture.
Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180ยบ C. Serve with tomato relish, salad and a glass of white wine.
fabulous. YOu're right about leek and potato! Geez it must be hard not to test your own cooking sometimes.
YUM! I've been waiting for this recipe since I saw it pop up on Tim's Flickr.
It is really hard sometimes! There are just some things I can't or don't have time to convert to GF or wheat free. Tim doesn't seem to mind...
I have a leek, I have potatoes, I'm going to make it this week. Thanks for the veggie option.
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