For me it's Madeleines. They're so small and seem so simple. I wish I could tell you that I'd succeeded in making perfectly textured little morsels that look fabulous and taste great. Unfortunately, success evades me.
I've tried different recipes, from traditional French to modern 'no-fuss' versions. I've used different flavours from lemon to chocolate to coffee. I've bought a new tin. I've had Tim supervise and double-check my measurements. But nothing! I cannot seem to get them right.
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong which makes it all the more frustrating. All I know is that my madeleines, when I can even prise them out of the tray, are lumpy on the upside and the kind of texture that I'm sure isn't right. Because I don't like to believe that any culinary challenge is too much for me, I will keep trying. Perhaps one day I'll get it together, or perhaps not. Either way, Tim will be taste testing a lot of Madeleines in the future.
Anyway, the photo you see is my most recent and successful batch so far. They don't look too bad, they weren't too lumpy on the up side, but they were a bit dense. In spite of this, Tim ate all two dozen. I guess that counts for something?
i love making them! But I've only tried one recipe and it was Nigella Lawson's from Domestic Goddess. Worked a treat.
Don't ask me about macaroons though. That's my kitchen nemesis.
You and Bells make me long to become a better cook. One who wouldn't dream of serving her kids Cream of Whatever casserole once a week. But hearing your difficulty, I will definitely pick another mountain to climb than Madeleines (although these do look beautiful in the picture). :)
Oops. My profile isn't working right. You can find Jodi at www.thedrunch.com. :)
Macaroons! Oh the pain!!! Technically mine work, but they don't look nearly as wonderful and dreamy as they do in photos. Sigh...
I suppose we can't all be good at everything?!
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